Monday, September 14, 2009

This blog is adding one more judge to some of your favorite talent shows on television today. For example we will add our personal opinion to shows such as "So You Think You Can Dance", "Dancing With The Stars", "America's Got Talent" and "American Idol". The reasons we want to do this are:
1. Sometimes the contestants could really use a critique that is truly helpful rather than the more "off-the-cuff, dramatic remarks made by the judges right after their performance. Sometimes their remarks are more about their reputation as a judge than it is about the actual performance.
2. The remarks are made from a "I'm watching it on TV" perspective rather than being right there front and center with the audience.
3. We have the advantage of time. We can take a little more time, even re-watch the performance if necessary before giving our remarks.
4. We'll quantify our remarks with a predetermined score
5. We'll rank the performances of that night from first place to last place in our personal opinion.

We will start our judging with tonight's showing of the top10 finalist of "America's Got Talent"

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