Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tonigh'ts First Results Show for "Dancing With The Stars" and "SYTYCD" Auditions Continue

There were a lot of stars to be excited about after two nights of dancing. Our last two postings go over the exciting events that took place and our comments, scores, and yes even some of the controversy. When you pair professional dancers with stars of gynastics, showbiz, sports, etc., you're going to get a cast of characters. This year is no exception, but the big controversy was about a heated debate between the two male judges Bruno and Len. They both got out of hand, and they both forgot that there was a very nice, talented young lady who just put her self out there for the first time on this show, standing waiting for her remarks and scores. Bad manners are bad manners. I don't care who you are.

Two couples are going tonight. One male star and one female star will hit the road.

The call back number was, and rightly so Kelly Osbourne and her partner Louis. She did a great job again tonight. Good for you Kelly. You go girl!

The male dancer leaving is Ashley. I guess the great smile was not enough. He clearly had low points from us and from the show's judges. No surprises here.

They Miley Cyrus video to her newest hit was a lot more wholesome than her stripper pole dance on the "Teen Choice Awards." Be careful Miley, you're an incredible talent.

The Lion King number was inspiring, fantastic, unbelievable, and every other positive adjective I could possibly use.

Patrick Swayse tribute was touching! We will miss him greatly.

The female dancer leaving is Macy. That was absolutely the right choice. I think Macy was reluctant to do the show at best. For a real funny view of a reluctant dancer, watch the attached video below this post.

The Reluctant Dancer from Vickie Niesporek on Vimeo.

Both Shows come on at the same time MST, so we watched the results show for "Dancing With The Stars"*DWTS" first and now we'll finish our comments on "So You Think You Can Dance"(SYTYCD) Auditions.

Okay, Now on to "So You Think You Can Dance" Auditions.

We're in Boston this week! We have Tyce for the guest judge.

First contestant: Teddy comes well dressed. He wanted to impress. We'll see.

He's so theatrical and knows how to use his body to express emotion. I haven't seen any great spins or leaps though. It doesn't mean he can't do it, but he did not show that aspect of his talent. Teddy could change his name to unique according to Tyce. If Teddy proves himself as a dancer, I could see him being a brilliant choreographer years down the road. Chances of making it past Vegas Good

2nd Contestant: Gene-B-Boy is next. This young man defied gravity. He got a standing ovation. All 3 judges gave him a ticket. That's a first. Chances of making it past Vegas Good

Can't comment on short clip of male dancer that went through. What they did show looked good.

3rd Contestant: Female lyrical dancer in yellow top. Strong, graceful, and athletic dancer. Her emotional side of dance, the performer side wasn't as strong. She, again, did not do a lot of spins and leaps, but what she did do was very good. Chances of making it past Vegas Good

4th Contestant: Peanut, a tap dancer in peach shirt. Great foot work, but he didn't have a lot going on in the way of arms and hands. No spins or leaps at all. Very nice likable young man, but he probably doesn't have enough to go past choreography. Chances of getting past Vegas Poor

5th Contestant: Male Crumper in Black. This guy was so good! I could have watched him forever. Chance of making it past choreography-Excellent. He claims to have a background in many other styles of dance, if that's the case. His chances of making it past Vegas are Excellent. I think he has the potential of being another Twitch or Josh.

6th Contestant: B-Boy in Black. Great guy to watch at a party, but he shouldn't be moving forward at all. In a 2 to 1 vote, Danny moves forward to choreography. Chances of making it past choreography. Poor. Chances of making it past Vegas Poor.

7th & 8th Contestants: Husband and wife team. They danced a Latin-American style of dance to music that really didn't match what they were doing. They did do a good job though and moved straight to Vegas. Chances of making it past Vegas for both of them Poor. I don't believe there will be enough depth in either dancer.

9th contestant: Let's just call him-Mr. Sexy, according to him at least. He looks like a ballroom dancer without a partner. Despite his ego, he was actually very good. He needs a personality adjustment, but he does have a lot of potential. Chances of making it past choreograpy-Good. Chance of making it past Vegas-Poor. I don't believe there is enough depth in this one.

10th Contestant: Paul-Dark blue top was extremely creative, but he didn't have an ounce of technique or training in his body. Bless his heart, he tried to do chaines. It was not pretty. He should not move forward at all. He was beyond the age requirements anyway, so he couldn't have moved on if he had been awesome. So why are we watching him. Did I miss something.

We just viewed clips of several bad dancers and Dr. Evil. I'm yawning.

11th Contestant: 2nd try for this contestant. Blue T-shirt B-Boy Kevin. Good dancing. Gymnastics not so good. Kevin claims he has been training in contemporary since the last time we saw him. He should move on to choreography in my opinion. Chances of moving past choreography Good. Chances of moving past Vegas. It really depends on how much other training he has truly had. Right now I believe his chances of moving past Vegas Good.

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